Lil Devil Mama

Goodbye Quick Match

Easter is here. Lent is therefore done. Which means that my boycott giving up of on-line dating for Lent is done. There’s been so much going on all over the world of me that I haven’t had a ton of stuff to blog about in the dating realm. Oh, well there was that whole losing my job thing, but yeah okay that was big. And yet all has been calm in the rest of the world around me for the most part. You know the usual family stuff, the usual friend stuff…oh wait, I had to denounce Nomad as a bestie…but for the most part the usual.

I know, I know so the big question of which prevails. Will Mama go back to the on-line dating?

While the answer should be cut and dry, I think there is way more to the reason that I will in fact not go back to the Pit of Ridiculous that is on-line dating. While I wish it was as simple as I’m just done with it and I’ve learned that being away from it did not in fact make my heart grow fonder, there is way more to it and here’s the reasons why.

On-line dating has become one of those novelty things I do when I get bored with organic dating, and when I feel like there is no hope for meeting a real person in real life. I know people who have met people on certain dating sites and been perfectly happy. I get it. It happens. I’ve met some genuinely interesting people and collected a shit ton of wicked cool, You’re Never Going to Believe this Stories.

Will I go back? Meh, I don’t know. I’m a Never Say Never kinda lady. And I’ve given it up before. I’ve come back before. And I might again. But at this point in my dating career I’m a step away from beginning a running stride toward never looking back. Oh who am I kidding eventually if I get bored enough I might. Ugh. I honestly have no use for it right now.

What next Mama? Well, I’m going to log-in to the three dating sites I have profiles on and put them on hold or delete them I’m not sure. I’m an optimist so I’m hoping that my current dating situation keeps on the path of awesomeness and that I don’t have to go back any time in the near future. So, yeah I’m putting my focus there and heaving the on-line dating profiles. Right now in this moment I just don’t have the desire and so we move forward and move on…

Good luck on-line daters. Peace.

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