Dreams are odd, aren’t they? For me they have always foretold something and have become a bit spooky. When I was little I dreamed things that happened in my life at some point. The passing of loved ones, the meeting of friends and the inevitable attachment to the Bio after an early falling period.
Dreaming has even been an outlet for my fantasy life. I’ve blogged about that here and here. But usually dreams that include people in my life who I either hardly know or have met briefly always spark my interest. Heck last year, I acted on one dream and it was an experience in following my gut. Sometimes you just have to take risks to learn about yourself and that can be super beneficial. Often hurtful but nonetheless good in its own way.
This last weekend, whilst I was taken ill, I started having some pretty vivid dreams. Could it have been decongestant induced? I was taking the Monkey’s Dimetapp since I was too sick to leave the house. Or was it just my heart being inspired to see things I haven’t yet seen with my own eyes. I don’t know. Maybe it’s the faith I have in something bigger than me pushing me to open myself up to chance. Who the frack knows. What I do know is I had a few dreams that made Mama wake up startled. No, not my usual take me out to the ball game, although it is almost Spring (thank you baseball Gods) and that could be it. If only the weather was on the same route. Alas, there was one dream that shook me. It was one of those dreams that seems real. You know feels like something your actually doing rather than dreaming? And no it wasn’t one of my Egyptian Slave Girl dreams. It was just me in a room, actually a kitchen cooking dinner and waiting for someone. Hearing myself mumble like I do when I’m anticipating something. Holding my breath. And just at the perfect moment a knock at the door. What is truly interesting is that I don’t even know this person who knocked on the door. I don’t know the man who stood there holding flowers, smiling at me. I don’t know anything beyond some surface knowledge and not a damn thing really. And I woke up before I knew what was there. I hate that. Waking up just when you think something is going to get good. When real understanding is not accomplished before the waking up. Before words are spoken. Before anything.
I’ve had fantasy dreams about people who exist in my life at some point and those are well fun and hot and well wickedly fantastic for later use. But what the hell with the quick ending, man? Not even a hello?
What truly creeps me out about dreams that feel real is that there usually ends up being some element of life that is real within them. Either a place or a person that I’m close with and am familiar. But this place and this person are not a part of my current life. Well not my day-to-day existence as I know it now. But thanks to social media and my mention of everything from the movies I watch to what I’m having for dinner, we managed to connect in an odd way because of my random mention of that dream. And not for nothing that kinda sent me for a tailspin.
Dreams are tricky little monsters. Some times it’s all fun and whips and other times it’s well food for thought. I love this kind of puzzle. It spooks my noggin and makes me want to know more. Dig deeper into the root cause. I’m a woman drawn to intrigue and excitement…okay and when my curiosity is peeked I can’t help myself.
Oh and I had a follow-up dream while I napped yesterday…(insert evil laugh). Maybe I will blog about that one later. *wink*