Home Adulting And I was writing…

And I was writing…


Oh as Lent continues, I’ve really got nothing juicy to share since I have no ridiculous dating stories to share and no humorous email tidbits. *sigh* What is a girl to do with no lame men stories to share? This woman goes shopping in her closet. She writes more and more and more for other publications all over the interwebs and locally. This Mama has started hammering out details for house projects like painting my room and replacing the broken bed frame. Seriously there is a shit ton of work to be done in the dailies that are my life.

In case you didn’t know, I started writing for a local alternative publication in my little center of the unicorn filled universe @altSCV and you can find the newest spread here. The truly exciting part of this whole channel change in my writing routine is that this whole venue allows me to write about really pressing issues facing the Single Mom community in the ‘burbs that I call home, but can definitely apply to the world of Single Parents all over the Kingdom. If you are so inclined add the link to your bookmarks and check it out periodically…or if you have ideas, thoughts or anything you think I should write about shoot me an email [email protected].

Also, I will be writing for the Examiner.com on general Single Parent topics like stuff to do in the immediate area and also other HOT Topics relating to custody, co-parenting and attachment parenting solo. Check me out here for future posts! This one is truly a work in progress so keep fingers crossed for me.

On top of that, Nomad is throwing opportunities my way to do proofreading for a writer friend of his that is finishing her book about her life being abandoned as a kid and the resulting awesomeness that has ensued. That one is actually pretty friggin’ awesome and I can see myself trying to pick up more of that work in the future.

So yeah, in a nutty shell I’m working on making things happen and doing it my own way. I promise I will come up with some better stuff to write tomorrow!!

Happy Tuesday!


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