I am exhausted. I am truly physically burnt out. Why you ask? Well for starters I have been running on Mr. S time since he’s working on the East Coast and working nights at that. Strangely enough with his job and the amount of travel it requires we are oddly in a blooming Long Distance Relationship. Something that I admittedly I’ve not done well with in the past and yet this time around I am finding reasons why it would make things easier for me and my current situation.
What situation you ask? I’m a single Mama (duh) and visitation rules my world at this point when it comes to plans. I prefer to make any plans on Monkey-less weekends and I hate leaving him during the weekto do stuff. It’s just how I roll. And in the past I’ve been faced with Men Folk who don’t get it.(and one of them was a single Dad) He didn’t understand why I wouldn’tjump at the chance to go out. For starters, I really like my Monkey. He’s fun to be around and I heart him entirely too much to see hanging out for beers as more exciting than playing Iron Man on any given Tuesday. So having someone who is away a good portion of the time makes sense, no? Yes? Maybe?
Back to the point…LDR’s are a touchy subject with me. I’ve only been in two in my entire dating life and one of them included a plane trip to see someone. Not that I got cheated on or that it ended in tragedy, but it just seemed like sooo much effort and trauma when it came to holiday and birthdays and sex. Yeah, I went there. In the end of my personal experience, one of both of us was left feeling like there was something missing. I know several friends who make it work IRL and also in the Blogosphere MadameT, Momma Sunshine and Canadian Bald Guy do it and share with us the triumphs and not so great days too. It makes me think about how you really have to be compelled to make it work. Fine tune the communication and ultimately, really want to be with that person at all costs. Right?
At this point I’ve tossed the idea around in my head with Mr. Nomad and now with Mr. S and both travel for work. In fact this is the first time Mr. Nomad has been in Cali in about 9 months. Mr. S’s schedule is a bit less treacherous and allows him short stays in Cali where he lives just 35 minutes from yours truly. Mr. Nomad on the other hand has no home base. I kid you not. He has no home. He stays with his sister when he’s in the area or with our BFF up North about a hour. Otherwise, he truly is a Nomad. I wasn’t joking. So, my prospective relationships involve some strange variation of the LDR and I’m not sure how I feel about it.
Maybe the LDR doesn’t seem so tough this time around…I’m older, wiser and have less time to fill when I’m not working the Day Job. Therefore having someone who isn’t always around might not be such a bad thing. Right?
Sharing is caring people…thoughts? LDR Stories to share?