I’ve been dying to blog about Friday night, but had no time as my Monkey promptly caught a cold and was a little bear all weekend.
I arrived promptly (late) at the BJ’s in Valencia for our first meeting…I had texted him that I was going to be leaving my house late, unfortunately muddy hair and dirt under the nails post mud pie making is not my thing for a first (non) date.
We weren’t calling it a date. It was a meet-up. It was a ‘hey let’s get to know you my new friend’.
Okay, so there I was walking into a packed restaurant with a 40 minute wait for mediocre pizza and my favorite cider. Due to the wait and my lack of patience, I diverted us to the neighbor of BJ’s Valencia…the South Point Grill. I found a spot at the almost empty bar and ordered me up a Newcastle for my wait.
Phone rings…on his way.
Phone rings…on his way still.
Phone rings…Wow BJ’s is packed…are you the hottest girl at the bar?
I have to admit when he walked in the door I was not as nervous as I hoped I would be, but I was pleasantly surprised that he was even more adorable in person. Great smile and super hugger. We sat at the bar talking about everything from his dislike of shell fish to my desire to find a good sushi place that isn’t overpriced before we remembered we were there for dinner.
We ordered food and he let me pick the wine…my favorite and he loved it.
I have never felt more at ease on a first (non) date. We talked like old friends…sharing life experience and talking about how much life changes when you’ve got a child and how hard it is to raise a child from both perspectives…single Mom and single Dad. I’ve never been so candid about how this makes me feel and how challenged I feel just getting through a day where I have to see and/or talk to my Ex. Well at least not with someone I don’t know…
I so desperately wanted to grab him at least 20 times and kiss him, but I also remembered my pact with my inner sensible woman and keep it simple and casual.
He walked me to my car. No kiss. Just a hug and an agreement to do it again.
When I got home, I had a text on my phone that made my face light up with so much joy…giddy girly joy. Seriously.
Mr. Faith is not just another guy I met. He’s got potential to be so many things in my life. My friend for sure and who knows what else. But, he has given me something I was afraid of before…hope and faith that I can do this. I can sit with someone and either like them or not. I can have a moment of weakness or not.
It’s up to me…and I can do this.