There’s something I know I have trouble with…taking it slow.
So I’m making January ‘Take it Slow’ Month. Although my move-in date is January 15th, I’ve made a game plan to ensure that we move slowly. I’ve got a whole month to make it easier on the Monkey. He’s never lived anywhere other than under this roof with my Folks and this is going to make things tough for his little mind. I’ve worked so hard to make sure that this is his house and that he feels safe and secure here is his house. And now that is going to change. That is going to be a tough task to handle but I will do whatever it takes to make it work for us.
Second I’ve resolved to take it slow again with my dating adventures. Prior to HSD I was all about the slow and steady wins the race and taking my time with the Men in my life. He did something to me. He moved something in my soul and now I have to figure out why. On what would hae been our three months together I’m trying to live and let go and move forward. We haven’t spoken and/or texted and that’s fine with me. So with the new Men who come into my life and the one in particular I’ve been matched with this month who has caught my eye, I take it slow. No meeting until I’m sure. No phone number exchanging until I know I want to. Taking it slow…
I refused to make certain and concrete resolutions this New Year and yes, it was the first New Year I’ve made it to Midnight since the Monkey was a baby. But I won’t make promises to myself that I can’t keep. I told my son I would never do that to him and now I’ve made a promise to me to do the same.