Well it’s been an interesting week…my Monkey is growing and getting molars, and the BIO is still not ready to get past the fact that he really does need to deal with himself before he can be in an open communication relationship with me as the mother of our kiddo. Oh well.
In the dating news, the list has shrunk and thanks to Kris I’ve added a new dating site to the list of place to find new potential ‘mates’. *sigh*
Mr. Bedroom eyes is still a strong contender in spite of his need to ask me ‘what are you wearing?’ every time we text…however he has remained constant with communication via phone either voice calls and text, so I think I will keep him on the list.
Mr. Hockey Player became Mr. Public Service and has now become Mr. Where the heck are you? I have heard zip from him since he sent me a request within ‘open communication’ to get to know me better. I sent a follow-up to my response and if I hear nothing by Sunday then that match is closed.
Mr. Mortgage Guy is a goner!! His idea was that traditional gender roles are extremely important…i.e. You stay home and cook me dinner. No thank you. Moving on.
Mr. Brooding apparently is not down with the single Mommy party so, alas he closed our communication before it began. No worries I was still not sure about him anyway.
To the new News. My BFF decided I needed to avoid Match.com at all costs and signed me up for Chemistry.com. LOL!! I mean really? Well, I hoped on last night after the Monkey was asleep and found ONE guy who didn’t seem overbearing and nerdy. Yes, I know I am a self proclaimed nerd lover, but most of these guys on my Matches were not looking for love in all the right places. And, many of the profiles read like trumped Bios written in haste and without thought. I digress…
So, onto the match. He was interested in me and he seems for lack of a better word sweet…and he’s not bad to look at either. We emailed back and forth and I will name him Mr. Faith. He has faced struggles yet unnamed and work through his mistakes to find his Faith. Now, I’m not a big church girl and I don’t profess to be anything but a Catholic on hiatus but I felt something there. He appeared to be fun and family ready…I think he’s divorced and has kids based on his profile.
One of the things I keep doing with all the matches is picturing in my head what it would be like to hug that person. Would it be comfortable, would it feel right? I used to think that it was about the looks and the physical chemistry, but look where that got me!!
Hopefully by next week I will have been able to make plans to meet one or two of these guys…cross part that can be crossed for me!!