First week of school in the books and Monkey has survived.
I remember my first days of school. Always full of anticipation and eagerness. I was a school junky. Loved it. Craved it. Waited for it. Summer was pretty damn awesome but school was my chance to be fabulous in my always color coordinated 80’s outfits and of course the stunning side pony tail. Rockstar!
Two weeks before school started for the Monkey, we started talking about it. He was tragically not looking forward to ending Summer and heading back to school. We are wicked fortunate that we are walking distance to one of the best schools in our ‘burb. While I’ve had a heck of a time acclimating to being the one of the several single Mamas eyed by the paired off Mommies, I love the programs and the message. Last year was horrifying. Monkey was bullied and treated awfully by a little boy. The kids in his class branded him as one of the “Bad Kids” and he cried on a handful of days over it. My heart broke. The teacher didn’t seem to realize the gravity of the situation, and she seemed to have formed a tight bond with the Bio. All the combined and well, school ending was a welcome sight to all of us.
Being forever the optimist, I started working my good ole cheerleader magic on the Monkey! Getting him amped for school didn’t work. Up to the very first day, he looked like he was being taken to walk the plank. My apprehension was palpable and my magic was failing. My Mama jumped in with the words of encouragement and nothing seemed to help. Buying the school backpack and grabbing some new duds seemed to soothe the Monkey, but with the first day upon us, The Boyfriend and I were both noticing how quiet (not the norm) and reserved Monkey was as we walked to school. After the first day, he was thrilled with his new teacher. I signed up to volunteer and we’re ready to kick this years ass! Bring 2013-2014 school year! I DARE YOU!
This kid is a rockstar and while he might not have my gusto for school days, he’s got a huge heart and mind that is ready for just about anything life throws at him.