Lil Devil Mama

Reflection, Regrets, Remorse

Good morning everyone…sorry about last night but here’s another one for y’all.

I’m in an Emo reflecting phase today. With the current state of affairs I’m kind of thinking about a few things right now. Things in my life are always up and down and I’ve gotten used to that cycle and I’m okay with it most days. My heart and my head are connecting on better terms and that is good news all around. However with Reflection comes Regrets and quite often Remorse.


there’s more…but I’ll give you a break. You get the gist I hope…there’s a lot floating in my head right now.

Regrets…I’ll try and keep these in order…

Where does the Remorse come in?

Sometimes I get caught up in my own excitement to see actual results. Without thinking about how things really will work out. I create beautiful versions of what I want to happen and it never really works out that way. And there comes the Remorse. If I could take back a few of my actions I would totally do it over and move forward with results that make sense for everyone involved. For example, I would still be friends with Mr. SD and not fear his feelings. It would just be what it is…two people who value each other and truly care but just don’t have the know-how to be together.

Every once in a while I do these write-ups in my actual journal/diary and it helps me get out my feelings of loss and regret. It’s weird to have written this in my blog about some very active topics and know that those people might read it. Oh well, I’m growing up kids. Watch out.

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