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Also known as ‘Thank God I Found a Car’!!

Okay, so it’s no secret that post separation drama, even when you are not married to the person, can result in damaged credit and a huge listing of crap on your credit you didn’t know existed. So, my story is no different.

There’s unpaid medical bills for after NICU preemie freak out care and of course the emergency room visits and emergency surgery for the Monkey’s Phymosis. Good times had by all, but somehow as the custodial parent I get stuck with the bad credit. Mostly because I didn’t agree to give the Bio originals but provided him with detailed Excel sheets with dates and times and copies…which I am sure he thought I forged in someway.

I digress to the topic at hand.

Three years later in October and I have 10 charge offs (4 of which are current) still on my credit, so no lender would touch me with a ten foot pole for a car loan. Even with letters from said collections people saying the debts were paid or that there was a payment plan established. Ugh.

So, I was going go give up and just be car-less for the first time in fourteen years…then, I got in touch with a finance guru at Pacific VW in Hawthorne. Mr. OM Travis has saved my life. For the last three weeks, he’s worked to find me a deal on a car that I could afford and live with. Now the car snob in my is screaming at the fact that it’s a PT Cruiser and I loathe anything that I don’t immediately love…like my Jetta Pzev, but this is a gift from G*d and I will take it for what it is…a blessing.

Who I am to look a gift horse (or anything for that matter) in the face? I could be completely without a car and this is just the turn of events Mama needs to see the forest for the trees!! I can do this and I can succeed and IT WILL GET BETTER!

And, then the song ‘I WILL SURVIVE’ pops in my head…good times…no, make that great times.


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